Thursday 17 January 2013

i was asked to today what i needed or wanted to accomplish for 2013. It took me all day thinking and this is my answer: 
I have everything I would ever need right now,  I have been blessed to have some great people in my life. As some of you know I have been making some changes in my life. 
Some people have shut me out since I started to make the changes, while some have been great supporters and I appreciate both groups of people.

I wrote a note in Sept about how I felt back then please read the following.

I recently had a conversation with someone who was recently diagnosed with ADD as I was. She told me that she was was concerned about applying for a new job, thinking that it could be detrimental, because, as she pointed out ADHD people sometimes have a bit of a problem with limits. I had to laugh. When I first got diagnosed I told everyone.


And it did not go well.


A few people were actually dismissive to my face, and I have learned lately some of the nasty things people may have said about me to others. Now I don't know if what I heard was true but I have learned from all of it. true or not


Being open and above board has backfired.


It has cost me. You certainly don’t have to research very hard to find  stories from people who have been met with hostility, disdain, disbelief or loss of friendships after they told people of their diagnosis . This is very  common, I even know several people who have lied about their ADHD to pursue their dreams of a career. 


So, “Who do you tell?” is a big question.


For me, the cost of letting the entire freaking world know that I have ADHD has been hard to gauge. Or rather, the negative costs have been hard to gauge. Because as I said, the eye rolling, the snorting , and the snide remarks have happened behind my back. Well mostly.


So I’ll never know exactly how much this has cost me. Perhaps the phone stopped ringing so much lately simply because everyone’s lives’ have not slowed down in the past 11 months. Who knows? And to be honest who cares? I could try and figure out who has cut me off, or continues to spread malicious crap, and at this point who cares.


I have decided lately to not look back anymore, because if 'I’m not going in that direction.


I can tell you the positives, or some of them. I could go on and on about the number of people who have come up and hugged me, thanking me for sharing my story.


Being open about my ADHD/ADD has had some negative consequences. It also has had some positive ones.


At some point, people will start to believe me that i am a different person now


Well I’m trying anyway.

So I would like to say Thank You to everyone

You may not know how but, each one of you has helped me to make all of the changes in my life.

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